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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Article Submissions - Pointing you in the Right Direction

All of you who have been thinking of publishing articles probably seem to be noticing a lot more ads showing up when you search Google for article submission sites. So what does this all mean for you?

Well it leaves you the choice of where you wish to submit your article to. Lately new software is out that can let people get an article directory up and running in just a couple of hours and it seems every little fish wants a piece of the action.

So how do you choose the correct article directory for your article submission?

Here are a few tips to get you in the right direction:

Design - You probably are asking yourself why the design of the article directory has anything to do with how good this directory is for you. Well it is, it shows how serious the owners of the site are taking it - the more professional and maintained it looks the longer the site will be online and the more popularity it will gain.

RSS Feeds - Make sure the article directory you are submitting your article to have RSS feeds, this is what is going to be driving the traffic to your website. Many small websites pull the RSS feeds from the bigger sites, usually from certain categories that there site deals in, with this you article will gain even more exposure.

SEO - Check on the directories indexed pages on Google, MSN & Yahoo - why not also check out there rankings for important keywords like "article submissions", "articles directory" or "free articles" - if they are ranking high you can be sure that these sites are getting good exposure and a high traffic volume.

Summary & Keywords - Make sure you can add these when you submit your articles, these are what the search engines will look for the most when caching your article page on the articles directory website.

Guidelines, TOS & Privacy - The website should professionally display all this information, again this is a tell tale sign for a serious article directory or not.

Contact Form - Make sure the website has an online contact form so it will be easy for you to contact them if you require any assistance.

I hope all of this information helps pointing you in the right direction for your article submission needs.

Simon Gelfand is the owner of the free articles directory,, a great place for you to submit your article for free exposure.

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