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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Blog Traffic

How popular is your blog? Why your blog must popular? What happen if your blog isn't popular?
These question are often become attention for the bloggers particularly for new bloggers. Blog popularity is one of parameters how success is a blog. Blog popularity is usually determined by how much traffic does it has in a time span such as daily, weekly, monthly even anually.

Blog traffic or generally called web traffic means the amount of data sent and received by visitors to a web site. It is a portion of Internet traffic. This is determined by the number of visitors and the number of pages they visit. Bloggers should monitor the incoming and outgoing traffic to see which parts or pages of their blog page are popular and if there are any apparent trends, such as one specific page being viewed mostly by people in a particular country.

Blog traffic can be analysed by viewing the traffic statistics found in the web server log file, an automatically-generated list of all the pages served. A hit is generated when any file is served. The page itself is considered a file, but images are also files, thus a page with 5 images could generate 6 hits (the 5 images and the page itself). A page view is generated when a visitor requests any page within the web site – a visitor will always generate at least one page view (the main page) but could generate many more. Tracking applications external to the web site can record traffic by inserting a small piece of HTML code in every page of the web site.

There are some types of information are often collated when monitoring web/blog traffic, these are the example:

  • The number of visitors
  • The average number of page views per visitor – a high number would indicate that the average visitors go deep inside the site, possibly because they like it or find it useful. Conversely, it could indicate an inability to find desired information easily.
  • Average visit duration – the total length of a user's visit
  • Average page duration – how long a page is viewed for
  • Domain classes – all levels of the IP Addressing information required to deliver Webpages and content.
  • Busy times – the most popular viewing time of the site would show when would be the best time to do promotional campaigns and when would be the most ideal to perform maintenance
  • Most requested pages – the most popular pages
  • Most requested entry pages – the entry page is the first page viewed by a visitor and shows which are the pages most attract visitors.
  • Most requested exit pages – the most requested exit pages could help find bad pages, broken links or the exit pages may have a popular external link
  • Top paths – a path is the sequence of pages viewed by visitors from entry to exit, with the top paths identifying the way most customers go through the site
  • Referrers; The host can track the (apparent) source of the links and determine which sites are generating the most traffic for a particular page.
Those are a little explanation about blog traffic and I'm sure that you understand why your blog must popular and what happen if your blog isn't popular. I think It's not too hard to be understood.

[reference :]