What is Technorati?
If you're one of the tens of thousands of people who use Technorati every day, you'll notice that most of our changes (on the new beta site so far have been under the hood. Changes to the body have been minimal. As a result, we've been scratching our heads because we've never explained exactly what Technorati *is*. For that matter, we've never explained much about what a "cosmos" is, either -- even though that's what Technorati finds in its searches.
So I thought it would make sense to ask you what Technorati is. Is it a search engine for blogs? A conversation engine? Or something else again?
Same with "cosmos." Is there a more self-explanatory word for what Technorati finds? Or a better way to say exactly what "cosmos" means?
Let us know. We'd like to hear from you. Thanks!
Posted by dsifry at January 21, 2004 2:56 AM
The Tehcnorati founder lets the technorati users to describe what technorati really is, because I think he still do not know what technorati will be in the future. What he did is to give the bloggers a place to communicate, share, organize and another activity which can help the bloggers each other to develop their blog better and more profitable I think.
Beside all of those things, technorati now become such an important thing that bloggers must have in order to popularize their blog. By join technorati, we can at least:
- Submit and claim your blog in technorati directory.
- Linking each other with other bloggers.
- Track and record our blog activity.
- Search and to be searched by other bloggers.
- Many others benefit that you can find in technorati.
Visit and Join Technorati.com, NOW !
About Dave Sifry, Technorati founder. Click here!
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