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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Get Popular with "Spicypage"

Spicypage is a social online community where anyone including blogger shares, review and talks about what websites or blogs they discover on the net. Founded in September of 2006, It is a friendly community that allows everyone to find easier ways to spread the notable sites or blogs when stumbled upon them.

SpicyPage lets you post, comment on, vote on, and share your favorite's sites or blogs with your friends and others like you. You can post not only your blog but also an article or story about anything you are interested in. Even you can create or start a group to make your private or public community.

You will quickly build your network when you vote on other blog that listed in your spicypage account main page or you can choose by categories listed on the left of the page. Besides that, you can grow your network by inviting your friend by email. Just click "invite friends" and input your friend email accounts to the form up to six accounts. More blogs you vote on, more network and friends you will have. It means more traffic would come to your site. Usually, spicypage member will vote you back if you vote on their web/blog. If you wish, you can ask them to vote your web/blog by sending them a message while you ask him/her to be your friend. There are some another tools which can help you to be popular in spicypage community. It's easy and fun.

Justify FullRecently, spicyage become a new way of web-ranking solution to determine the best sites or blogs, 100% powered by its members. Discover and bookmark the new and the best sites/blogs out there and connect with people of the same interest as you.

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