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Saturday, January 12, 2008

MyBlogLog Community

Another blog community to make your blog more popular in the net is MyBlogLog Community. Member interactions facilitated by web widget that many members install on their blog. Bloggers sign up for free accounts or using their yahoo email account on MyBlogLog and can initiate a blog community for one or more blogs they author. Other registered members can subscribe to these communities, effectively bookmarking them for future reading and sharing them with their own contacts.

The most advantageous which bloggers can have when joining this community is they can submit whatever kind of their blog without reviewed, so this is good for all beginner bloggers to build network for the first time.

Bloggers can then display widgets on their sites which show MyBlogLog online community members who have recently visited their page. These widgets also contain links to visiting members' community pages, and are one way in which users connect with one another.

All members can see certain basic information about how many people visit their blog, what links they clicked and where they come from. Members may also view more extensive information about traffic on their site for a small monthly fee.

MyBlogLog is launching this new Communities service to empower authors and readers to operate at the same level. For the first time, everyone who reads a web site or blog can learn about and engage with one another, and in the process take the conversation to a whole new level.

MyBlogLog was acquired in January, 2007 by Yahoo for slightly more than 10 million dollars and with over 45,000 blogs subscribed at the time. Currently, there are approximately 100 million visits to pages with MyBlogLog widgets per month, and the site has over 140,000 registered members. MyBlogLog has an Alexa rank of under 500 and Google PageRank of 7 out of 10. Similar blog networking sites with similar widgets and analogous community functions also exist, such as Blog Catalog.


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